DARAVAIR®Series: Liquid Air Entrainer
DARAVAIR® is a liquid air-entraining admixture that provides freeze thaw resistance, yield control and finishability performance across the full range of concrete mix designs.
Air is incorporated into the concrete by the mechanics of mixing and stabilized into millions of discrete semi-microscopic bubbles in the presence of a specifically designed air-entraining admixture such as DARAVAIR®. These air bubbles act much like flexible ball bearings increasing the mobility, or plasticity and workability of the concrete. This can permit a reduction in mixing water with no loss of slump. Placeability is improved. Bleeding, plastic shrinkage and segregation are minimized.
Through the purposeful entrainment of air, DARAVAIR® markedly increases the durability of concrete to severe exposures particularly to freezing and thawing. It has also demonstrated a remarkable ability to impart resistance to the action of frost and de-icing salts as well as sulfate, sea and alkaline waters.